POLYCAST®700 Kit w/DG0640R Reinforced Galvanized Slotted Grate & HDPE Frame


Each Kit Includes:
48″ POLYCAST channel(s)
Non-sloped runs available by requesting all neutral channels
48″ Galvanized Steel Reinforced Slotted Grates

24″ HDPE Frame 2/channel
Grate Hold-down devices 2/grate
Installation Chairs
End Cap
End Outlet


POLYCAST 700 Series is a polymer concrete channel that has a built-in .65 percent slope that allows the system to achieve flow rates of 470 GPM.  The installation chairs tighten the joints between channels while aligning and leveling the drainage run.  Each installation chair is secured to the ground (using your own rebar), ensuring that the channels will not float during the concrete pour.

DG0640R Grate Specification Sheet

Each Kit Includes:

  • 48″ POLYCAST channel (1 for each 4′ of kit ordered)
    Non-sloped runs available by requesting all neutral channels
  • 48″ Galvanized Steel Reinforced Slotted Grate (1 per channel)
  • 24″ HDPE Frame (2 per channel)
  • Grate Hold-down devices (2 per grate)
  • Installation Chairs
  • End Caps (1 per system)
  • End Outlet (1 per system)
  • Installation instructions


Layout Info:

Before we can ship your pre-sloped drain order, a layout will need to be approved by you. We will contact you via email with a layout drawing showing channel depths to be shipped. Once layout approval is received, the order is shipped.

If you choose all neutral channels (no slope), please note this in the ‘Order Notes’ during checkout. A layout is not necessary with neutral channels. TDS reserves the right to choose the channel depths based on availability. If you require specific channel depths, please note this in the ‘Order Notes’ during checkout, and we will do our best to accommodate the request.

Also available in Vinyl Ester Channels, request your quote now.

Want to learn more about this system? Click Here for more information.

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