POLYCAST 600 Series Kit with DG0647R Reinforced Slotted Stainless Grate and Edging


Each Kit Includes:

48″ POLYCAST channel(s)
Non-sloped runs available by requesting all neutral channels
48″ Stainless Steel Edging 1/channel
48″ Stainless Steel Slotted grate 1/channel
Grate Hold-down devices 2/grate
Installation Chairs
End Outlet (fits 4″ S&D pipe)
End Cap


POLYCAST 600 Series is a polymer concrete channel that has a built-in .65 percent slope that allows the system to achieve flow rates of 470 GPM.  The installation chairs tighten the joints between channels while aligning and leveling the drainage run.  Each installation chair is secured to the ground (using your own rebar), ensuring that the channels will not float during the concrete pour.


  • Stainless Steel slotted grates – Class C Load Rating
  • Open Surface Area:  20%
  • Material: Stainless Steel


Each Kit Includes:

  • 48″ POLYCAST 600 pre-sloped channel (1 for each 4′ of kit ordered)
    Non-sloped runs available by requesting all neutral channels
  • 48″ Stainless Steel Edging (1pr per channel)
  • 48″ Stainless Steel Slotted grate (1 per channel)
  • Grate Hold-down devices (2 per grate)
  • Installation Chairs
  • End Outlet (fits 4″ S&D pipe)
  • End Cap
  • Installation instructions

Also available in Vinyl Ester Channels, request your quote now.

Want to learn more about this system? Click Here for more information.

POLYCAST 600 LayoutPOLYCAST-600-Channel-Depths-2

Layout Info:
Please review the inlet/outlet depths shown for each system length. If you have certain channels, a channel depth requirement, or a large project, we invite you to request a quote.


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